Monday 19 March 2012

Importance of "B.E.D.M.A.S.S" in trampoline

If you are reading this then most likely you have gone at least into high school and understand the basics of math. BEDMASS is a term used in math by teachers to help teach children an order to solving all problems. If certain mathematical mechanics are done out of order the entire question is wrong. For example when given:

3 x 7 + 8= ?

if you do the multiplication first you get

21+8 = 29

if you however do the wrong order and you add 7+8 then multiply by 3 then you get 45

Two completely different answers arise but only one will inevitably get you the check mark. I notice a lot of athletes from inter club to senior national forget the order of operations. So what is the order if there truly is one?

***again I must note that this is MY opinion and if you disagree feel free to message me.

When starting a flip there are 4 things to remember that need to be in a specific order or the skill will not work properly. Sure, you may land the skill but  completion and perfection are different.

1) Jump: I know this sounds stupid but think how many times you or your athlete truly jump before starting a skill. a large part of the time athletes will " look around the corner", meaning they throw they head over their shoulder or straight backwards. This is because the athlete is scared, and for good reason, they have no idea where they are going. It takes a lot of repetitions to blindly jump into a flip. Never the less the athlete has to learn this. Matthew Turgeon told me that I should aim to wait until I am done a quarter of a flip before I do anything else. I have tried this and I believe it works very well. It forces the athlete to have to try and jump first looking forward rather then over the shoulder or behind themselves. Spend a bit of time every day focusing on long sets where the athlete is looking forward as long as possible. They will feel like they get lost in the air but that is normal. Give it some time and it will feel second nature.

2) Flip:
    Flipping and twisting are the two main movements in trampoline. FLIPPING ALWAYS COMES BEFORE TWISTING!!!! No matter what skill you are doing the twist is tertiary to jumping then flipping. After you tell the body how much flip you want then you can do one of two things:

3) Choose a position: after you do a jump then add some flip you are free to tuck or pike as fast as you can. This will increase your speed so be careful.

4) Add Twist: Adding twists will be the last thing you do most of the time except for skills where piking or tucking is done mid-flip such as full-half pike. Normally the twist is done last and the only thing the athlete has to do is hold the line as best as they can until the bed.

If these things are all done in order then technically you are good to go. However practically this is harder to do then to say. Naturally, unless you jump a single bounce time of 4 seconds, you will have to cheat slightly and this is seen in even the best athletes across the world. This does not mean it isnt't possible. Do not change your entire training program either. It is good to work on new technical things every day but do not stop doing full routines to try and work on technical stuff because you will not see results. These technical suggestions are to be worked a bit everyday and slowly incorporated into routines by starting at one trick at a time.  Maybe one day every skill you do will be perfect but do not strive for that during training. Fix one trick at a time. If the technique is good it will naturally start to snowball into everything you do.

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