Wednesday 14 September 2011

Diabetes: what you need to know

                Before I explain exactly what Diabetes is, there needs to be a general understanding of certain definitions that deal with the condition of diabetes. The body works simply by ingesting nutrients and either using them for energy right away or storing them for energy for later use. The three main nutrients of the body include carbohydrates (glucose), fats (lipids) and Protein. Glucose is the body’s main energy producing nutrient meaning whenever it can, the body will use glucose as a fuel source before lipids and proteins.  In the body there are many different hormones all with their own different functions.  The main hormone prevalent in Diabetes is Insulin. Insulin causes he body to store glucose in the body cells such as liver cells, fat cells and muscle cells by taking the glucose out of the blood.
Diabetes is characterised by a body’s inability to produce insulin or for the cells to not be able to respond to the insulin so glucose is not taken out of the blood stream in a normal manner like in a person who does not have Diabetes.  If the glucose keeps building up in the blood then hyperglycemia can occur. Hyperglycemia simply means high blood glucose levels. If this occurs chronically like it may in individuals with diabetes that do not take medication then many complications may occur, some even being life threatening.
Diabetes comes in two major forms. Type 1 Diabetes is perceived as being more genetic meaning people are thought to have a gene in their DNA that causes insulin to not be produced. It can manifest itself at any time but normally it is developed in children, teens and early adulthood. Type 2 Diabetes is developed over many years of a sedentary lifestyle and bad diet. Simply put, the body gets tiered of transporting glucose into the cells and stops doing it as effectively as it once did. This is usually because the individual has a bad diet with a lot of extra sugars so the body has to work a lot harder on a regular basis to balance out these sugar levels in the body, compared to an active adult who eats healthier. There is one last form of diabetes that is not as well known called Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes can occur during pregnancy. Even if the woman has no previous history of Diabetes, insulin can malfunction during this time. 
Below are a few complications:
-          Kidney damage
-          Cardiovascular damage
-          Lower extremity damage ( to feet and or legs)
-          Nerve damage
-          Retina damage
-          Erectile Dysfunction
-           Cardiac Arrhythmia

                There are a bunch of symptoms that can indicate if an individual may be diabetic or dangerously close. If you feel any of the below symptoms regularly please call your doctor. Below is a list of common symptoms that occurs in diabetics and pre diabetics.

- excessive thirst
- cuts don't heal well
- excessive hunger
- unnatural weight loss
- fatigue
-frequent urination
- vaginal infections
-erectile dysfunction
-blurry vision

                Unfortunately if you are diagnosed with diabetes you cannot reverse it. In type 1 Diabetes you cannot control it because it is mostly genetically predisposed rather than based on lifestyle such as Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 1, the only thing an individual can do is keep their blood glucose levels at or near normal by taking the required medication from their doctor and by checking their blood glucose levels a few times a day. If the individual is taking the required dose, being active and eating healthy then there should not be any complications. If there are any of the above listed complications or anything else that normally does not happen speak to your doctor right away.
                Type 2 Diabetes is preventable because it is brought on by an unhealthy lifestyle. As long as an individual is eating healthy and exercising regularly Type 2 Diabetes should not occur. Even thirty minutes of kicking the soccer ball around with your children will do wonders for your health. It will decrease chance of infection and sickness, decrease chance of cardiovascular diseases, increase quality of life, etc.
In the case of Gestational Diabetes proactive measures are thought to be the best way to prevent the onset of Diabetes in pregnant women. If the woman can maintain an active lifestyle and healthy food choices even during the pregnancy where cravings are natural then the individual will have the greatest chance of not becoming diabetic. If the mother gets G.D the baby is at an increased chance of developing diabetes.  


                Diabetes affects over 3 million Canadians and the number is steadily rising. Ifyou want to prevent diabetes, the best way is to live an active and healthy lifestyle. The body usually only develops complications when the individual is doing something the body is not suppose to be doing. If you are diagnosed with Diabetes, do not panic. Lots of Canadians live with diabetes and still become or remain successful. Make sure you take your medication and test your blood glucose levels often. You cannot reverse diabetes but you can prevent it from destroying your life by carefully monitoring it. 

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