Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Fat Loading For fat loss

I ran across this article the other day and found it controversial but logical and very interesting. It is about how increasing the right amount of fats in ingested is better then a low carb diet or high protein diet. The  conclusion is that if you ingest certain healthy fats the body increases the amount of enzymes that are used to break down fat so your fat metabolism increases. The second part of the article also speaks about amino acid loading to increase satiety and build muscle. The only question I ask is, what happens long term, when you stop fat loading. The body will adapt back to the original state prior to the fat loading and you are back at square one. The only way it could work would be for it to be a long term lifestyle change.  I think that would get boring. Even with this potential downside it is a very interesting simple article from a NFL trainer which I think is worth reading.

part 1: http://www.elitefts.com/documents/dietary_fat_loading.htm

part 2: http://www.elitefts.com/documents/dietary_fat_loading2.htm

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